This is a term usually directed at someone you don't like or just don't care for.
Sally: "Fred is so weird"
Henry: "Fred can eat my ass"
by holveck July 12, 2018
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Means anything that you don't really want to do that someone wants you to do.
Hey man, why don't you come to the gym later? And I told him, why don't you eat my ass?
by The real slim shady 907 May 16, 2016
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Shoving your face into one's backside and licking, sucking, or biting down on one's ass/asshole.
Me: Hey Jack, wanna eat my ass? I'm wet right now.
Jack: Hell yeah! How do you want it done? Hard or soft?
Me: I'm feeling hard, I want your tongue all in there.
by idomemesforfun October 30, 2017
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1. interjection - used to insult someone. equivalent to fuck off, fuck you, kiss my ass, etc
2. interjection - used to tell someone to rim you, or perform oral sex on your anus hole, also known as anilingus
1. He kept fucking with me so I told him to eat my ass.
2. Hey baby, for something knew, can you eat my ass?
by SanSavior August 7, 2017
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1: Means to tell someone to go away if they are enoying you.
2: When you want a wench to clean out your corn hole
1: Bob: Hey Joe can I borrow your car for the weekend? I wont crash it like the three other times.
Joe: You know what? how about you go eat some ass.
2: Man I took a huge shit the other day and didnt wipe. Im going to make my girlfriend eat some ass.
by tofugremlin October 22, 2007
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a phrase used to literaly mean lick my anus/asshole, usually said during sex to ones sex partner.
by khalid June 11, 2004
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Said when one sees an ass they'd really love to eat; a compliment. Can be switched up depending on sentence structure.
by TokeySmiles March 11, 2018
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