Dunt= England slang for the American word don't.
Example: "I really dislike Richie because he's so posh, I dunt ever want to see him again."
by The Real White Elvis September 2, 2019
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A dude that acts like cunt or has cunt like ways.
I don't know what's up with Justin lately but he be acting like a Dunt!
by JDizz Beeyatch May 20, 2016
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A dunt is another word for coochie. Derived from the word Duntüs meaning “vagina” in the Greek dictionary. This term is used to describe another mans girl. The plural for dunt is dunt because there can be lots of dunt.
Ay yo Cory, that’s yo Dunt over there?
Man I got all the dunt in the world.
What time is it? ITS dunt time.
Look at all the dunt.
by Fortniteclutcher300 October 21, 2020
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when your friend misspells don't because she is using an ipad
by PandaMasterisCoolAndAlive2 September 20, 2021
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this word is the same as tooth. However "dunts" means teeth
You'd rather pull your dunt out
by Andrius M. March 13, 2008
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Another way of say pussy or ass
by BBC4L June 22, 2021
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