An announcer of recorded songs on the radio or at a dance. Also,as a verb,to work as a disc jockey. This term may be abbreviated as DJ in either the noun or verb sense.
Jamie is the most popular disc jockey on the local radio station; he has such a great voice for it. He also disc jockeys at various dances,including wedding receptions.
by JMC70 September 16, 2017
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A fun scapegoat to hang out with buds and smoke buds. Played by a range of all ages with the same determination to play a game in nature and get lit enough to jump of of a friends 2 story house in the process, often improving the skill of which one plays.
Dude I just got a call from Mary...wanna go play disc golf?

Eric: Hey bro, wanna shoot some discs today?
Tom: Sure bro, but don't forget the visine this time.

by Bahtsy June 13, 2008
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When one farts into a frisbee and procedes to put the frisbee in anothers face, all the while containing the stench within the confines of the disc
"damn, mike gave me the worst dutch disc the other day on the beach during that sick game of frisbee"
by dutchdisc2 March 13, 2009
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A pimp disc is a CD or DVD full of fanfiction, fanart, character info, story info, etc of a specific fandom. They are used to encourage people to join that fandom.
Mary: Anne sent me a pimp disc of 'Prince of Tennis' last night.
Ella: Oh, I've heard of that anime. Is it good?
Mary: Well, the disc had the first episode and some fanfiction, and it looks pretty cool. I think I'll ask for the box set for Christmas.
by Ellorn December 7, 2007
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The disc ball itself is a flat, round wooden cut out (approximately 7" in diameter, and 1 1/2" in width). The game disc ball is played with two individuals, or can be played with two, two-man teams. You start your turn by placing the disc ball upright on the 1 1/2" side and then stomp on it, which will send it across the tile floor towards your opponent with a lot of backspin on it. Your opponents goal is to stomp on the spinning and still upright disc ball, in turn, sending it back at you spinning the opposite way. A point is earned in the following ways: 1) You stomp the disc ball and it either passes your opponent, or his/her attempt to send it back is unsuccessful, resulting in your gaining of a point. 2) The initial stomp (serve) is not returnable (ex: is out of the agreed upon boundaries, is not upright and spinning, is too wobbly to be returned) resulting in the other players point. The winning score should be predetermined and agreed upon by both players or teams before the start of the game, and the starting team is chosen by a best 2/3 paper, rock, scissors match.
1) Man, that was an intense few games of Disc Ball!
2) Have you heard about that new game Disc Ball? Apparently its cheap and fun and all the cool people are playing it!
3) Hey Kevin, you wanna head down to the youth room a little early so we can play a few games of Disc Ball?
by chuckevbro May 16, 2010
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A cup of urine frozen into a thin circular layer that can be slipped under an annoying neighbor's door. When melted, leaves a permanent smell in carpet that cannot be removed. Discs are best produced following a night of heavy drinking, and are considered the ultimate in cold revenge.
In planning his revenge on his apartment complex arch-nemesis, Julian waited until a night of heavy drinking to manufacture the Golden Disc that he would cunningly slip under Do's door.
by Wakim & Pablo August 27, 2006
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