When you can never make a decision, even if miniscule.
"what do you want to eat" -person1
"i dont know" -person2
"you NEVER KNOW" -person1
"i am decision deficient" -person2
"i have realized" -person1
by thehomepantry November 30, 2017
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Lack of training in the area in-which he/she should have learned; causing deficient learning knowledge
The learning knowledge that a child/person should have learned with in a time period can cause a learning deficient.
(Example) Learning is to gain knowledge, understanding, or skill.(This is in accordance with the great Webster.) An even broader definition of learning is "any permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of a practice or an experience." This makes what we teach our children even more important as it has the potential to have a lasting affect in their behavior. Alphabetarian sounds and (reading), Problem solving skills (math), research (science)(geography)
by Kajai200 November 12, 2013
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Cause / Symptoms: The cause of this disease is the addiction to the physical touch and smell of another person, early symptoms are grave tiredness that leads mild headaches. Symptoms first appear 2 days after becoming addicted to a person. Later and the most grave symptom is insanity which will be the final symptom 8 days after the initial addiction.

Cure / Treatment: The only cure or treatment to this disease is to be held in the arms by the person who you are addicted to.
Damnit, she was so pretty I think I got addicted, I might have Physichonex Deficiency now.
by FatBoiBigDick February 20, 2023
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That point when you haven’t met a decent guy in so long that even the ugliest fuckboy starts to look attractive and you start to question you’re entire life.
1-Dude did you see katy was all over that nerd last night.

Just another case of testosterone deficiency.

2- urgh I feel so testosterone deficient these days that last night I thought Ross looked cute!
by Thatcoconuthead October 24, 2018
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Chronic Christie Deficiency (CCD) is a non-contagious infection that usually attacks the main nervous system, it is contracted from prolonged exposure to the human species Homo Chrisus, or the individual called "Christie Nonna," it slowly cripples the inflicted with constant thoughts of Homo Chrisus.

Some early symptoms may include:
- Separation anxiety from Homo Chrisus
- Hearing Homo Chrisus' voice during immense periods of silence
- Tiredness and Fatigue when not in a room with Homo Chrisus

If left untreated, CCD might cause:
- Tiredness and Fatigue
- Constant desire to worship Homo Chrisus
- Obsession
- Insomnia

Treatment of CCD is simple and quick, consisting of physical hugs and kisses from Homo Chrisus
"That guy looks kinda tired lately, is he okay?"

"He got Chronic Christie Deficiency (CCD), pretty bad too"

by MusicOjiisan May 21, 2022
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Lack of abillity to read the manual
< aKa> MySQL question: I want to take two varchar fields and return it as one column. My guess was : SELECT (first_name + " " + last_name) as full_name FROM table
< BlueEagle> SELECT CONCAT (last_name,', ',first_name) AS full_name FROM mytable
< BlueEagle> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/ refman/5.1/en/select.html <= To help your lack of manual deficiency
by BlueEagle May 28, 2006
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