The act of saving your jizz in a container for a month then taking a container of coffee creamer and pouring your dated jizz into said creamer so the next person in your house to drink coffee with creamer will also get a mouth full of cum.
I gave my girl some cum creamer in her coffee.
by CumCreamer December 21, 2016
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On the March 30, 2010 episode of The Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert made the first ever Colbert Creamer by taking a Pringle, putting whipped cream on it, and then topping that with another Pringle.

This tasty impromptu whipped cream Pringle sandwich is a great snack food at parties. In homage to Stephen's segment "Thought for Food" the first ever Colbert Creamer competition was held March 31, 2010 by a group of college students attending George Mason University. Each participant had to eat one Colbert Creamer and say the phrase "Colbert Creamer" every round. A participant was disqualified from the competition if they could not properly pronounce "Colbert Creamer." This competition followed much of the same rules as a game of fluffy bunny, though was far more epic than any fluffy bunny game ever played!
Dude, these Colbert Creamers are so tasty!
by MasonPlaya March 31, 2010
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The female version of "morning wood". When a female wakes up horny as anything and realizes she must let it out.
Friend 1: "My night was so lonely."
Friend 2: "My morning was even worse, I made a coffee creamer."
Friend 1: "No way..."
Friend 2: "Yes, be sure to check the coffee creamer in the fridge before you put it into your coffee... it might be a secret blend of mine."
by Lor Becky August 7, 2012
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A R.C. can be described as several things.

A true definition of a man. A provider, supporter, best friend, husband. He will just show up one day in your life, tell you his cock will change your life forever, than change your life, then become your life. And just to be clear, his cock will change your life forever!!
by Julz1530 October 12, 2019
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Anally inserting wipped cream and getting your anis to the mouth level of your significant other. Once there you shotgun all the wipped cream into the persons mouth for a sweet treat.
Dang bro I Wipped Creamered my girl last night and I think a piece of crap went in her mouth!
by Piggy123 March 6, 2014
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The white smoke that fills up a freshly cleaned glass bong- reminiscent of the coat of a fresh billy goat.
Hey grab the bong for some fat Billy creamers!
by TrippyLemonss December 20, 2020
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