To aledgedly take money from well known charities, also to go for a meal not pay then eat what everyone doesn't.
Children in need takings.
night out at the Royal Tandoori House
by chav April 8, 2005
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noun: 1. a stick or other long object used to tend a campfire
2. stick used as a primative campfire lighter; used to light smokes, fireworks, or other
Dude, hand me the cowboy so I can stoke this dead ass fire.
by dude November 11, 2003
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To put it simply, a dick rider

someone who always hangs out wit a dude and laughs at his jokes to solidify his "kinship" with the individual, a parasite, a barnicle, a fuckin sonson.

Usually a kid who doesn't have any backbone to think for himself, and probably gets yelled at and scolded by said "friend", and takes it.

If you see one of these kids, either chin check em or pull their card.
Person1: "Yo dat nigga mike is a fuckin cowboy, he always laughs at that dude christian's jokes, he defends him and butts into our conversations, and I saw him gettin Sonned out, by body n da nigga didn't even do nothin!!!!"

Person2: "$12 says dat nigga mike would drink a cup of gatorade if dat nigga chris jizzed in it"

Person3: "Bet dat "
by CyphA Sunn September 2, 2007
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(kow boy) n. Offensive slang. Used as a disparaging term for suburban, small-town police officers and/or state troopers. Used to describe the brazen, outlandish, overzealous, and obnoxious behavior of these police officers that were usually appointed to these positions politically -further linking the term to the corrupt political practices and corrupt lawmen to the term. First used by the New York City Police Department when describing their New Jersey counterparts.
Careful you with your speed. We don't want to have to deal with the yahoo cowboys out here.
by dhbk March 1, 2011
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Tester 1: Any idea who coded this fix?
Tester 2: Is there any documentation?
Tester 1: Nope.
Tester 2: sounds like one of the cowboys round the corner.
by Percinho June 1, 2005
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A person with cows at their farm
They are usually not very smart
by Officialldiccc February 22, 2021
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