This term is used to describe someones terrible internet connection. Mostly used in the X-Box live community. When said persons internet connection is so bad it not only lags them, but it lags the entire server.
I don't want to play with Kevin and his Dickerson Connection.
by AnubisTheJakal January 9, 2011
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When two people reach into a bag or bowl of popcorn at the same time, and their fingers touch. Thought to be the equivalent of "love at first sight", but only with popcorn.
"Yesterday, I went to go see the Hunger Games with Liam... We both reached for the popcorn at the same time, and... well, I could feel our popcorn connection!"

"Awww. You two must be made for each other! You have so much in common!"
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When one doesnt have internet but connects to their neighbors Wifi and steals their internet. Mostly black people do this but the name doesnt change when a white person does it.
Mike: Damn it, call of duty is laggin big time, this kid has one bar, probly stealin from his neighbor

Nick: Yea people with a nigger connection are always fuckin up my game and slowin down my porn downloads
by calaburrito15 January 2, 2012
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A connection that gets disconnected really often (at least once per 5 mins), also known as a "Chessnut Connection".
Dang, I DCed again, I have such a Chessnut Connection!
by Patje August 31, 2007
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when your playing video games like Call of Duty or Halo and your connected to someone with terrible connection most likely coming straight from mexico or mcdonalds wifi
"this lagg is unbearable this host definitely has a beaner connection"
by crozdaddy December 4, 2011
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A sexual position involving exactly two males, two females, and one double-ended dildo.

Both females get on their hands and knees and connect to each other via the double penetration dildo.

Both males stand facing each other and are connected to one female each, via the penis to mouth.

To avoid male-to-male eye contact, each male should only look at the female who he is 'connected' to.

Outlined below:

Two couples, Ryan & Elizabeth, and James & Kelsey, went on a double date. Afterward, they all headed back to Ryan's place for a game of Connect Four.
by k-dj2011 April 7, 2009
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When two males gingerly touch tips as a friendly gesture. Somewhat like a hand shake.
Bob and Farley had an erection connection after lunch.
by Huava April 17, 2009
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