Used to describe a morbidly skinny individual with very large facial/cranial features. Closely resembles the morphology of a circumcised penis.

Being circumcised is a very common trait in overweight individuals who, for whatever reasons, have rapidly lost a substantial amount of weight.
1) ...Pointing at a crackhead with a swollen face, "That individual is most certainly circumcised."

2) After his bout with bubonic plague, the once 418 pound man had been circumcised.
by estupido April 13, 2005
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Radical circumcision...a really tight circumcision that leaves absolutely no loose skin, it usually entails complete excision of the frenum. Not seen so often these days, but frequently requested by men with a circumcision fetish.
His cock is skinned so tight it must have been a radical circumcision.
by Peter Smooth. February 18, 2012
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When a hillbilly boy/man is getting a blow job from his sister/cousin you kick her in the jaw taking of foreskin and some of the penis, it all depends how deep his penis is down her through.
I heard Jill's boyfriend walked in on Jack and Jill when they were having sex. He he kicked Jill in the jaw and gave Jack a hillbilly circumcision.
by Crystaltoe October 15, 2015
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People who repeat the cycle of inflicting genital mutilation on others because it was done to them. Like father, like son.
Jews are the largest collective group of organized "Circumcised Rapists" I know. Jews have had for centuries an organized system of genital mutilation and have been well-known for rape.
by thenaturalman May 10, 2014
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Surgical procedure executed with nothing more than your own zipper, generally under the anesthetic effects of beer, rum, vodka, whiskey or similar beverages.
1) Man! Do you recall if last night i was attacked by a furious wild animal?
- Dont think so, maybe you just got self-circumcised.

2) OMG dude!! I wonder if during last night's party I nailed a long-nailed chick or if I just executed a Self-circumcision.
by Antonio MH August 5, 2009
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A slit in the dorsal surface of the foreskin that the head of the penis is pushed through. Technically it is a piercing and not circumcision because the cut is not all the way around, and no tissue is removed. Healing is faster than after regular circumcision because if an erection occurs it helps keep the wound closed, rather than splitting stitches. No sensitive nerve rich tissue is lost, and the head does not dry and loose sensitivity due to a process called keratinisation because it can still be covered by the foreskin after healing is complete. Foreplay and masturbation are greatly enhanced and the foreskin ads extra stimulation for the woman during intercourse, kind of like a ribbed and textured sex toy.
This guy had the weirdest cock I ever seen, looked like it was cut, but there was this flap hanging down under the head. He said it was called a buttonhole circumcision.
by Buttonhole man September 9, 2010
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Where either a cayote or venomous rattle snake reaches up and snips ur foreskin clean off with their bare teeth
Wow did you here Steven Rojas got a Nevada circumcision last night
by Gender queer corndog April 18, 2018
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