A voice changer that does not actually exist, but is in fact just a cruel joke played on you by your friend who has nothing better to do, than to pretend to have a voice changer.

Not to be confused with Voice Changer 3; which actually does exist.
Veronica: Wow, how did you change your voice like that?
Fernando: It's a voice changer.
Veronica: Really? Which one?
Fernando: "Voice Changer Three--"
Veronica: "Voice Changer 3"?
Fernando: No, "VOICE CHANGER 3000"
by pHailer November 19, 2009
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1) A broad term, it can be used when describing or talking about a group of people who enjoy listening to cheese rock, music that is unworthy of being called music. Also, anyone who separates themselves from other people because they are "unique" even though they really aren't and play in shitty garbage bands and desperately need haircuts.
2) People who need to realize their lives are pointless unless they make drastic changes.
"Hey look at those Banger Changers!"

Guy 1: "Hey dude, have you spoken to your friend lately?"
Guy 2: "Noo...he's been a banger changer lately."
by rob08 November 25, 2006
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One who changes their profile picture at least three times a week, or more.
I can't even keep up with liking her pics because she's such a habitual profile pic changer!
by Elusive Debra November 2, 2015
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A worldwide, open group located as a Page on Facebook that has the mission to change the world for the better. The group accepts even the "worst" of people as members, because they believe that together they can make a change to the rest of the world and the members, themselves. The leader of the group is a young man named Brandon Brown, or Brandino, by most.
The Worldwide World Changers (WWC) aim to be better and help people.
by Pinky Punk January 27, 2013
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A die-hard conservative (after the UK Conservative Party slogan in 2010).
He thinks women should stay home with the babies and all immigrants should be kicked out of the country. He's a real Vote for changer.
by comradex April 16, 2010
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Wow that pep is a changer!!
by Cmooresps November 9, 2019
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People who change their own oil and call themselves an automotive “enthusiast”.

The lowest form of car “enthusiast”, these are the people that frequent car forums and discourage others from doing projects themselves. They can usually be found talking people out of motor/transmission swaps (manual -> auto, V6 -> V8, etc.), they say things like: “if you want a V8 then sell the V6 and buy a V8”.

Bought not built.
Enthusiast: Any insight or tips for swapping my Camaro’s V6 for a LS1?
Oil Changer: If you want a V8 just sell the V6 and buy a V8, it’s easier.
by built_yota October 1, 2022
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