Pocket change that you have saved in a bowl or jar as an emergency fund. Derived from the Coinstar automatic counting machines used to cash the coins in.
Are you going to be able to make rent this month?
Yeah, but I think I'm gonna have to make a withdrawl from my star account if I want to eat.
by Webster Papadopolous July 13, 2004
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An account that someone with heaps of followers on instagram creates and lets only 'friends' follow it so they can post silly photos
Courtney: Oi Lily where's that photo of you and Alex hooking up?

Lily: It's on my private account!!
by jamieking69 March 23, 2014
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A account on social media that posts anything. There is no theme to there account and most sasses rant about there life on it. Most of the time they let no one from real life follow them. (most sass accounts are on instagram)
Someone from real life: "I saw your sass account on instagram! let me follow!"

sass: "No! Stop its just for me."
by papertowns July 6, 2014
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DISCLAIMER: this definition is for quotev and quotev only

an account run by 12 year olds(or someone that acts that age)m probably curses every .2 seconds, has a lot of ugly links in their tagline and they have a huge, *huge* about section with either no layouts or like 5 layouts one after the other. They use “XD” “:3” unironically and probably believe they are quirky. Most of them fakes mental illnesses too. In addition, they don’t have a square pfp and their background/abouts NEVER match their abouts.
Gachalife kids and 12 year olds usually run carrot accounts here on quotev dot com
by @inferior on quotev May 17, 2020
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An account commonly used to fulfill a single purpose, like to troll, and then quickly abandoned for the sake an anonymity.
I hate getting messages from egg accounts, they're so annoying.
by thisoneguyionceknew October 28, 2015
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When someone keeps switching between MSN/AIM accounts so you have to keep switching convos
Fucks sake stop account bouncing! Stay logged into one MSN account
by evilaphrodite September 5, 2007
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