a very long, solid peice of shit. sometimes so large in gurth it makes one cry or grap thier ankles and really push.
by Jay May 10, 2003
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when someone shits on you, you have been logged on
Peter logged on me today
by kermit999 October 25, 2009
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The logs are a place in forest gate which people cotch on to blaze up nad smoke away
come we go blaze at the logs
by mix master April 5, 2004
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1) A journal or diary
2) Slang for fecal matter, especially of the long, cylindrical variety
1) After a stressful day, I enjoy sitting down and letting all my anxiety out through my log.
2) My day is never complete until I have pondered life's great mysteries while producing my log.
by Oprah March 11, 2003
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To have shit
i have logged on to my pants
by Boris March 19, 2004
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A pack of 5 tins of chewing tobacco that you buy from the store such as a gas station or grocery store.
Hey Joe, pick me up a log of Skoal mint at the gas station
by Matt Kilcoyne April 28, 2006
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