when you grab a penguin and put its peak in your partner's anus and proceed to have anal sex with the penguin.
i pulled a dirty zippy last night with Ethan
by jasonpotato October 10, 2022
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the feeling you get after you just fucked a bitch on top of the empire state building while doing lines of blow and winning the lottery
man that yayo has me feelin zippy strong
by brolax November 26, 2014
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zippy yippy mean your very yippy(happy)
guy:1 im so zippy yippy
guy:2 NO WAY what happened
by zammisestzamm March 21, 2023
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A sex act so degrading, and thoroughly filthy, it has the effect of altering ones mood such that you feel like a cheap whore for at least a month. Maybe 2.
So anyway, I decided to do the zippy pickle for this clown of a guy, stupidly i thought he'd share his ferrari with me... turns out the only thing he shared was the clap.
by Joe Sixpack Bravo Lima October 23, 2019
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Zippy is used to describe having gone to a place of interest, like a store or gas station.
I went to the zippy to grab some snacks.

I was just at the zippy!

The zippy earlier was really busy!

How was the zippy earlier?

"Hey I will be there shortly", "I just have to hit the zippy right quick"
by thndrchckn October 2, 2018
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in Arabic slang, it means "my dick"
when u don't like to answer any question
-who was that guy we saw yesterday in the party? - zippy (my dick)
by Eziooo November 25, 2019
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zippy is the act of getting the Gawk Gawk 3000 from an infamous furry fiction writer and perceiving to give them head pats since they are a good boie uwu
“yo nico neuman gave me that zippy last night”
“no way, did you watch zootopia after?”
by vesper69420 June 18, 2021
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