someone who is a big buisness man and stays in the big city
by the OR October 23, 2015
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White people who sip their latte's and care more about fashion and the environment than their beloved god.
I hate these FUKIN yuppies!
by groggsman December 9, 2003
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a black kid who loves to hang with white people and win their favor
ie: a standing ovation that is wanted

also can be use as a compliment, but most of the times its a deragortory term.
nigga 1: awwwww man im tryna kick it right now and smoke weed.

amani: no thank you sir. i would like to hang out with my friend sawyer and nick and go on a boat and look at white girls all day. my sincere apologies.

nigga 1: aww you is such a fuckin yuppie...lovin them white folks

white people: yaaaaaay amani!!!!

nigga 2: wow thats a fuckin standin ovation. straight up nigga 1
by Diego110 May 2, 2009
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someone who is two in to them selves and the nature, who drives there hybrids around every where and drink 8 dollar coffees and are to cool for non environmental people also known as a city boy. A yuppie is also afraid to get there hands dirty (have a actual job) or go to the woods and camp or hunt!!
a pussy ex. yuppie
by heartoregon503 November 16, 2011
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One word used to define and accurately describe younger to middle-aged adults,
who are self-absorbed.
Those who ignorantly confuse life's natural wonders for monetary security and
popularity. People who place price tags on love and family( ie; I want a big home/
Porsche before I have children.)
by Anonymous July 2, 2003
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a moderately or extremely sucessful business person, usually in thier late 20s or 30s (from young urban professional)
by Light Joker March 23, 2005
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A young Urban Proffessional, commonly thought of as a general menace, due to increasing the property values of the neighorhoods around them, however, they can be artistic, creative indivduals who gained through their own hard work and want to help the world.
In the song' We're All Yuppies Now', I give yuppies a good name.
by KivMo March 6, 2004
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