This is a complicated disorder which can only effect nice white ladies, often in the educational or social justice fields of employment, or through church based organizations.

The most recognizable symptoms include having an earnest and idealistic eagerness to help the more marginalized members of a society, such as persons of color, or the homeless. This can manifest itself through things like bake sales and canned food drives, although occasionally, more touchstone examples (such as that of a teacher assuming the role of mentor and parent) can be observed.

Nice White Ladies (or, NWL's) know that they are just that, though believe wholeheartedly that not only do their contributions actually change the world significantly, but that they are somehow better than everyone else. There is more than a tinge of irony in this.

The male equivalent to Nice White Lady syndrome is the Savior Complex.
Bill: Hey, where'd you get them shoes?
Terry: The nice white lady at the church gave them to me.


Aisha: That teacher ain't so bad.
Tameka: Only cause she got Nice White Lady Syndrome.
by laika33 June 20, 2011
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When another male, usually of color, example Middle Eastern, Africa, Black, asks intelligent questions or inquiries about something relativity simple. The white guy will usually over complicate the answer or just ignore or flame.
Mohammed asked on the forums about wiring a device that has only a few wires that are all unlabeled, Insecure White Guy IT nerd/product specialized usually named Greg, Mike, etc sends him a 245 page PDF . An example of Insecure White Guy Syndrome
by Mohammed Atta January 22, 2020
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the syndrome developed after creating for one's self and allowing drama to ferment and backfire, usually by a white girl. the creation of a lie in order to make one's self appear to be a victim.
Stephanie slept with her bestfriend's boyfriend and then tried to appear as the victim. She even lied to the boyfriend about not sleeping with him! She's got such a bad case of WGS - White Girl Syndrome.
by assigned seats November 19, 2007
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n. the psychological condition of being excessively opinionated or critical, considering one's intelligence. While neither 100% ubiquitous nor exclusive to young white girls, it is most common among them.
"She kept bitching about the temperature in the restaurant and kept sending her food back."

"Oh, I know. Bad case of Young White Girl Syndrome that one."
by Ben Heddon March 25, 2015
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Not to be used on anyone genuinely struggling with serious issues; A White girl that milks/exploits being part of an oppressed community (such as being LGBTQ+, having a mental health problem, having a non-White partner, or being "not like other girls") to unjustly scapegoat themselves out of situations, mooch off of other people's kindness or generosity, manipulate others, or cause unnecessary problems with people to make themselves look like a victim.
Person A: "Hey did you hear about Jessica? Erica took advantage of her and Tom took her out for ice cream when he heard."
Person B: "Oh really? That's horrible! Did you know that she has an anxiety disorder?"
Person A: "That makes so much sense then, Jessica is such a bad person."
Person C: "You guys know that Erica has proof that she wasn't even with Jessica at that time and that Tom only felt sorry because she begged him to pay for her?"
Person B: "Oh she has Oppressed White Girl Syndrome then."
by lxnny March 19, 2023
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the constant need to make every conversation about you, especially in serious conversations that you have no place in. symptoms include a general sense of superiority, the feeling that your problems matter more than everyone else’s, crying in order to avoid responsibility, comparing your problems to everyone else’s and projecting your narcissism on other people.
adam: yeah i don’t know it’s been really hard for me lately

me: i’m here for you man
person with spoiled white woman syndrome: oh yeah well my dad left me when i was 6, so
by e. honda’s jock strap October 17, 2022
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