When your potential Urban Dictionary defs are REJECTED!
"Oh my God! WHY, WHY did this happen to ME? I've been Urban Dick Blocked! I'm gonna kill myself."
by Urban Dixie July 29, 2006
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when urban dictionary decides to repeat a word of the day.
Todd: Wait a second, wasn't trap the word of the day yesterday?
Frank: UGHH! Another urban Dick move
by wildmilechamp August 29, 2006
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A person who constantly references Urban Dictionary definitions and will accept anything there as fact, usually in a bit of a douchebag manner. He constantly tells his friends to look up things there and will even masturbate to Urban Dictionary on occasion.
Urban Dick-tionary: Hey dudes, whatcha up to?
Al: Just discussing the Coriolis Force with Francis.
Urban Dick-tionary: Oh, well on Urban Dicktionary it says the Coriolis Force is caused by different toilet designs between the hemispheres. Cool, huh?
Francis: God, what an Urban Dick-tionary...
by Nora Hemmingwurst April 6, 2012
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An online dictionary run by idiots and assholes.
"The people who run the Urban Dick-tionary don't know their ass from their elbow."
by Cloxboy May 28, 2008
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You never click publish, therfore ou are an Urban Dick Editor
by R0de May 13, 2010
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(v.) The act of pulling on your small "All Cap" penis while adding a word to the website urbandictionary.com
1. OMG yea my keyboard is all sticky from doing an Urban Dick-Tug last night after i was done fucking Borums mom in her loose foul disease infested pussy.
by LS returns(tiny) January 23, 2009
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Someone who constantly reuploads the same word to urban dictionary so it gets added.
Stop the fucking Urban Dick Spam
by Wiggly Mr.Dickls the 1st October 8, 2019
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