This is a veriation on the baby punch.
While running through the mall you punch a toddler in the face whithout breaking your stride. This should startle the unsuspecting parent. Yes you can do a combo, two or more toddlers or babys will be needed for a combo.
'Man this burrito is good, after I finish this I'm going toddler punching'.
by Big-Bad-Gob September 3, 2006
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Anyone born between 1988 and 1997 (could also be 1989-1998, but most commonly it is 1988-1997).
If you're born in 1996, you are a 90s toddler.
by QQBoy2 June 6, 2013
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When a woman is so attractive, that even toddlers are noticeably aroused by her.
Sheila is so hot that when she walked past the daycare center, some Pampers were pushed to their stretching point. Thus entering her into the annals of toddler boner
by blindpouch March 21, 2011
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A teenage boy who thinks he's a sugar daddy, but looks like he's twelve.
Wow that kid is rich but I think he's in sixth grade. Must be a sugar toddler.
by Iamnotnotreal September 3, 2016
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A retard, not very smart
"you see that guy over there? He is a Flashbang Toddler."
by bababooey-boy April 23, 2020
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Describes the act of spotting and subsequently stealing a defenseless toddler away from their parents in a moment of inattention.
Yo Benjamin lets do some toddler yoinking. That toddler looks really yoinkable
by U35creations April 21, 2022
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