the most amazing band to ever grace the earth. also the ones who were so rudely denied their rightful place at state (that would be first) because the judges (except for one) decided the competition would be more fun if they were high
mary: that band is amazingfully awesome and wonderful
bob: they're definately a mercer county band
by honestbychoice November 9, 2009
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Synonym: Matt Mercer Effect

Matthew Mercer is the Dungeon Master of Critical Role, a Dungeons and Dragons game which started streaming on Twitch in 2015.

His Campaign, played alongside veteran voiceactors Laura Bailey, Travis Willigham, Sam Riegel, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffee, Ashley Johnson and Liam O'Brian, has had a profund impact on the popularity of Dungeons and Dragons. Since it started broadcasting the sale of Dungeons and Dragons game manuals has incresead by double digits every year.

The "mercer-effect" describes Dungeons and Dragons sudden increase in popularity as a result of the show Critical Role.
"I had a session yesterday with a couple of 1-timers, they all said they started playing because of critical role"

"Yeah, thats the mercer-effect for you..."
by hangrycookiemonster November 13, 2019
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Scottish Engineeing Student.

A know-it-all, patronising self righteous boring scottish cunt.

Keep your opinions to your self you twat no one cares.
by william_bumboy_wallace April 16, 2010
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the phenomena in Dungeons and Dragons , where players and Dungeron Masters are never able to live up to the incredible kills of Matt Mercer , The DM GOD
Because of The Matt Mercer Effect , many people have quit playing Dungeons and Dragons because they unable to live up to the awesomeness of Matt Mercer
by BellasaurusTheJust June 28, 2021
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A young, sometimes small, girl who has bright blue/grey/gray eyes and short black hair. She is a person who is very popular and well known in her school. Jess Mercer is always up for an adventure and prepared for anything. If you ever find yourself a Jess Mercer then make sure you are extremely kind to her to gain the exact same respect as you would want!
Person 1: Wow! Who is that? She is super cute!
Person 2: That's Jess Mercer! How can you not know?! She is really brave and is very well known!
by Malcom shybatt January 11, 2020
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The sexual act of ramming easy cheese into your anus, holding as long as possible, then releasing (often violently) your bowel's contents in and on another person's face.
Man, I was a bit plugged up with Taco Bell from last night, so today at the meeting I Jesse Mercered my boss....two birds, one stone! Or one glob of cheese poo
by Dnods December 8, 2015
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This chick will suck you up and down. She doesn’t believe in spitting she doesn’t like messes so she will Always swallow. Also she is a constant talk too no ends. Gets piped down on a regular. Ashlee’s need to be Heavily medicated. Loves mater Dei wrestling and constantly swings on there nuts. Is a lush drunk too.
Hey Do are you a coach ? My name is Ashlee Mercer feed me your meat.
by xxStudDaddyxxx January 5, 2020
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