A sugarcoated excuse for one to hide their true motives which is to act out of self-interest.
What is fear?

Fear is a feeling people use to claim they feel harmed not knowing they will do something that harms people they once feared.
by Girls ❤️ shafts June 24, 2022
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The Emotion a living thing feels in a circumstance in which the natural fight or flight instinct can only/naturally reacts with flight. This is due to the mindset that whatever the feared thing is/has more power/is more powerful.

(things like spiders or insects don't actually cause fear, they just cause a type of unsettling and/or disgusting feeling which we define as fear)
"I have a fear of monsters"
by Septipewdiplier November 28, 2016
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A dark or colorless trans dimentional phantom which feeds from the energy that a soul gives off when exposed to negitive thoughts or memories.
last night i could not sleep because THE FEAR were feeding on my negative thoughts and memories.
by Doctur November 28, 2012
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(n). the state of being afraid of nothing. Also, being marcus allen.
"Yo, No Fear marcus, your a peice of gremlin shit"
by Schulte December 19, 2005
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The feeling after blacking out where one cannot shake the apprehension about what may have transpired the night before. Just like after drinking heavily one experiences the spins, the fears occurs after blacking out and does not go away until you find out what happened
I had the fears bad so bad this morning that i called everyone i knew was at the party last night to piece the night back together
by fearmonger February 6, 2012
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A current running through the brain contradictory to ones life energy. It blends both love and euphoria with fear. While they love themselves they do damage - it's a struggle within.
The natural fear was not really disguised as love, it *was* love, because nature leads to love, and nature could not break its own laws. The virus was winning because it used the tools of life to create death.
by thebookoflove August 5, 2014
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The most influential advertising technique that has been used by many different organizations for over a millennia.
Organizations use fear as a way to control the masses.
by Dubiks November 22, 2018
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