A woman that gets hotter as she gets older. Much like the way a crock pot works
She's such a crockpot, she used to be fat, but now she's hot
by Brosephstein April 4, 2016
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When a male clamps his tits to overcome the pain of putting his nuts into a female pussy
Bro I totally crockpotted that bitch Lucy last night
by Flypup July 12, 2021
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Nickname, a proper response to being called home skillet.
by February 15, 2021
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when you get a hooker to shit under the covers and then proceed to suffocate yourself by pulling the covers over ones head.
yo bro last night i got some dumb bitch to crockpot me
by HammerMan January 3, 2020
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Chonies in a Crockpot; a compilation of holiday leftovers from the fridge used to make a meal until your next payday.
Looks like we’re doing leftovers until NYE.

After dinner Christmas dinners.

Mom grabs shit from the fridge to put together a meal , shit looks nasty, like Chonies in a Crockpot.
by Bruce Dollastor January 1, 2022
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