Derogatory term used to describe people with cognitive process and state of mind similiar to that an animal. They're so dumb and naive they verge on cute regardless of their demeanor; you almost want to pet them.
Person 1: Your boyfriend isn't very bright, is he?.
Person 2: I know but he's so fluffy :)
by pseudophallus March 10, 2009
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Fluffy, adjective, used to describe a person of limited intellectual potential, whose membership of a sub-culture or interesting other-culture is used as a way of appearing more intelligent then usual.
Fluffy, sex-crazed furries are the worst people you will ever have the displeasure of meeting. If they try to show you their art, run away!

(I would like to dedicate this dictionary entry to my undying love (joke!), e_richard of Livejournal.
by April 23, 2005
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1) wisps or clouds of joy, happiness, and excitement.
2) cotton balls that have been in their bag too long.
Petunia became so excited to kiss Germaine for the first time, she felt like she could explode into a billion fluffies.

GINA! We gotta get to tha sto', it's time to buy new cotton balls again!! These done turned into fluffies!!
by KittyWiffs March 9, 2011
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commonly found on a big breasted woman; great use for a pillow when nothing else is around "big boobs".
Hey Misha you have nice fluffies!
by Cory o. February 14, 2008
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adj. A word used to describe high-quality LSD (acid).
Man, that was some FLUFFY L, I'm tripping balls right now.
by danc1005 September 14, 2009
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a name for a guy with large, curly hair who gets very pissed off if you touch his hair. he can sometimes act like a total jackass which is why he is so easy to piss off and people like to annoyhim as much as possible, espeacially if the annoyer is named carmela
girl1- he sure hates it when you touch his hair
girl2-then his hair should stop being so fluffy
by the annoyer May 24, 2012
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A more appropriate word for gay. It is polite and different.
You're fluffy.
by newwordsgirl May 4, 2010
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