People say Nissan's prime was in its 90s and early 2000s and they couldn't be more spot on. The Nissan Pulsar is a well-known car in the car community, it may not stand out in its looks or performance but it is a lot of fun to drive, with the mighty SR20 engine it is a very reliable car that won't let you down. These cars are becoming more scarce as some owners tend to get carried away and thrashing these cars, eventually ending up on Facebook marketplace car wreakers. To the average person, this car is an absolute shit box meanwhile they buy a shit unreliable car that they paid way too much for and have the driving skills of a 10 year old. Once you get a Pulsar you never go back and that's a fact. Yeah sure "your car isnt safe you're gonna die if you crash" this could be more wrong. I have witnessed a pulsar take on a semi-trailer and it held up excellent...... until it got written off. Unlike todays cars Nissans/ all cars made before 2010 actually have a personality and are enjoyable to drive. As I've been in both manual and auto I can say that in my opinion, Manuel is way more fun to drive but since you live in Sydney have fun shifting from first to second as everywhere its a traffic jam, Also don't ruin these cars with over the top mods u idiots keep it simple. For the NEW rating of this car safety is a 3/5, boosting is 5/5, and vibEs 5/5 on the p plate scale this car gets a 13/15 falling in the category of cool car bro.
'wtf is that" says fellow nonce
"why of cause its my Nissan Pulsar N15 SSS" says local legend
by smailliw nehs July 1, 2022
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SSS (Study Stimmy Shits) is when you're in college and are taking Adderall (Amphetamine), Ritalin (Methylphenidate), Modafinil, Armodafinil, Hydrafinil, Flodafinil, Prolintane, 4F-MPH, Propylhexedrine, Nicotine vape or gum, Arecoline Hydrobromide (ArcoFuel), Caffeine and get the shits! It's a college student's worst nightmare. Modafinil, Nicotine gum or vape, Caffeine, and Arecoline Hydrobromide especially has the side effect of diarrhea and sulfer smelling urine, and the occasional headache. So eat more food and stay hydrated with water and Gatorade (to replenish electrolytes).
Johnny: I been taking Modafinil, Nicotine vape, ArcoFuel (Arecoline Hydrobromide), Caffeine, and Ritalin for weeks and all of a sudden, I got extreme Diarrhea! I have to take a break from these stimulants. I got SSS (Study Stimmy Shits)
by CognitiveFuel August 19, 2023
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Same Story Syndrome - when that annoying person happens to tell you same story every single day
Guy: 'oh my word, how annoying is that Jacob kid getting, it's like he has Triple S (SSS) or something"
by 666ThatGuy666 April 26, 2017
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When you dont focus on your life and start simping for some random girl who doesnt even know your exist its so severe it can break even the strongest friendships apart to much simping can lead to simpititis where your only state is not to fill the needs of yourself but to simp for a random twitch thot, while simultaneously ruining your life.
"bro Brandon just keeps simping he almost died one time he has Severe Simp Syndrome (SSS) many are getting diagnosed each year😔😔"
by yoobster('') October 15, 2022
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Is when you take a shit in a paper bag then slap someone in the face with it.
Bill: That fucking chode pissed me off so much yesterday i gave him a Shanghai Shit Slap (SSS) and he cried. He smelt like shit for the rest of the day.
by ChoadZilla69 February 23, 2010
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When a males body is seemingly dry and clean as if one had just gotten out of a shower. Somehow, the ball sack has managed to be more greasy, sweaty, and nasty then a fat bitch in a tight T after a concert.
Louis: Hey Nick, how you feelin' today man?

Nick: Like a boss, except i got this mother fuckin Sweaty Sack Syndrome (SSS) going on.
by Louieice22 October 23, 2011
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