Jeans with holes or distressed looked to them
I just got some rock star skinny jeans last week
by Choklitmelk August 3, 2019
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Times Tables Rock Stars is a popular game which evolved in England and helps you learneed stupid times tables which no one cares about. Sorry rock heros.
I like Times Tables Rock Stars.
by Iamtotallynothuman November 12, 2019
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A disgrace to the rock genre. If somone was going to was going to make this song, leave it to the actual rock "stars".
Friend : Hey, Lets make fun of the song "party like a rock star" by making a rock song called "Party like a rap star"!
Me: Sounds cool!
by May825 May 27, 2008
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The service whereby an upscale prostitute is treated to a big dinner full of seafood at a fine dining experience, then back to the presidential suite of the John hotel room and given cocaine to snort by her John. She's then given something else to ingest that will cause Diarhea, and rides the John bareback while shes trying to explode in reverse cow girl position.
Terrell "Man that girl is sic!"
Dante "Ya, how?"
Terrell "She be into some crazy fetishes"
Dante "Like what?"
Terrell "She do Rock Star Limo Rides, yo!"
Dante "Damn! Thats a highpriced ho!"
Terrell "Word!"
by Bentley Lewis August 29, 2006
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A Rock Star Penguin Teste-Blitz is kinda' like Two Girls, One Cup, but instead with Mic Jagger, a dead penguin, Oscar Wilde, and The Elephant Man's skeleton.

Performing this depraved act will only lead to imminent satisfaction. Which is why Mic Jagger's there. To sing "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction".

Usually, clean up requires a few hours of hot water and scrubbing.
Jack: I just pulled a Rock Star Penguin Teste-Blitz!
Ryan: No way! Why wasn't I invited?
Jack: Oscar didn't think you'd appreciate the flavorful range of tastes and colors.
Ryan: Oh...*cry*
by fubsish August 10, 2009
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Some one who goes to Ozzfest and other concerts and hangs out in the parking lot with his lesbian wife. She runs around the parking lot looking for other lesbian women for her and the rock star to have an orgy with in their tent while the concert is playing. When allis said and done he is the lone ranger in a pussy and boob fest.
Look at all those Lesbians lining up. That guys a rock star.
by Mr. Homophobia June 28, 2023
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