To gather one's senses after binge drinking and then go as hard as before.
"Yeah, last night was a bit rough but I had fun. I was over at Jason's house party rippin' shots and pounding down brews when my world started spinning. Good thing I was totally able to chunk and rally in his parent's bathroom."
by junksniffer45 October 18, 2013
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The process of vomiting from the consumption of too much alcohol ("Duking") then immediately continuing to consume even more alcohol ("Rallying"). This phrase is most commonly used on the college campus of James Madison University.
Fraternity Pledge: "Dude, I just barfed from that half a handle of Burnett's."
Fraternity Brother: *Hands pledge a Busch* "DUKE & RALLY!!!"
by JMUFreshman October 25, 2018
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Going canning for charity with a massive hangover and booting while driving on the way to your canning spot. Then, pulling off to the side of the road and pulling yourself together and continuing onward like nothing ever happened.
"Oh my god did that girl just boot out the window of her car and keep driving?"

"Yes, yes, she did. A rally supreme is rare, but they do happen (but only to the best of us)"
by SamKramtastic February 1, 2009
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A girl assigned to a high school football player provides him with baked goods on game day and a calming of the nerves induced by a release from the player the night before.
A: "Mannn my rally girl is niiice".
B: "Who is it?".
A: "Alexis. Shot a load down her throat then ran for 4 touchdowns".
B: "Awesome man I wish I had a rally girl".
by Billy Riggins September 6, 2013
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To wear one's baseball cap turned inside out and often sideways to encourage a rally from your favorite baseball team. Must be performed in the confines of a sporting facility and works best in the late innings of a game with runners on base.
The Yankees were down by one run in the bottom of the ninth so i rocked my rally cap.
by salmon hamburger October 6, 2006
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"Battle-cry" of a group of extremely silly made-for-cartoon superheros, the Impossibles, patterned after the Three Stooges and unleashed by Hanna-Barbara upon the unsuspecting children of the world in 1966.
"Rally-ho!" cried Coil-man
"Rally-ho!" shrieked Multiman
"Rally-ho-ho-ho!" screamed Fluid-man.
by raoullefere January 13, 2009
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