by Swilo September 30, 2003
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rawdogging randoms. Where a guy has sex with a woman without wearing any protection (such as a condom).
guy 1- I need some r and r.
guy 2- But bro we're about to go party.
guy 1- Yea, I'm about to rawdog some randoms!!!
by mr. icet123mofro July 11, 2011
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The lazy person's version of many, many words, such as:

1. Yes
2. No
3. Correct
4. Hello
5. Goodbye
6. Fine thanks

The word, or letter, may prefix certain textual emoticons, which enhance its meaning.

It is however important to remember that the usage is context sensitive, so make sure you think before you speak.

- Mostly used among members of Demon Internet's noc.
Hi, how are you?
- r :)

Speak to you later!
- r :D

Thats the one isn't it?
- r.

Can I do this?
- r. (open to interpretation)
by alz March 22, 2004
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R&R= Ritalin and Redbull
Often consumed by college students cramming for finals or finishing projects.
Instead of vitalizing the mind it vitalizes the soul.

Hours seem like minutes.

Entire pages can be read and written as if they were simple sentences.
Not to be confused with Rest and Relaxation
Steve-Hey man wanna go sip beer by the pool this weekend

Tom-Naw man I gotta go do some R&R

Steve- That's what we are gonna do

Tom- Naw man this shit's for Bio Engineering Finals
by ShagwaterHogbottum September 7, 2013
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The rainbow emoticon on MSN messenger which is use to insist on the gayness of the last comment.
Person 1: hey check that out i found that new amazing blog!
Person 2: (r)
by gouletst January 24, 2011
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