Emphasizing the end of a statement.
And if she wants to fight then we can fight. Periodddd!
by SweetGirlTee19 May 28, 2018
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The seasonal flow of blood from the female vagina. Also called menstruation. It may give u cramps and things like that.
Girl 1: poor Kate had to sit out a t gym time because she got a cramp
Girl 2: maybe she had her period
by Lizi jones April 17, 2011
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That time of the month when a girl/lady is about to kill anyone who annoys them. I advice you to stay away from anyone with a coochie. WARNING: IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CRIME THAS HAS BEEN DONE AFTER YOU ATTEMPTED TO ANNOY A GIRL ON HER PERIOD. FOR HELP AND PROTECTION BUY CHOCOLATE
Girl: hey can you pass me the controller

Boy: *throws it across the room as a joke*
Boy: jeeeeeez calm down are you on your period or something
by Help I’m still running November 9, 2019
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1. A punctuation mark at the end of a sentence.

2. A special time of month for a girl in which her womanly parts bleed for up to seven days.

3. The symbol of womanhood.
1. period ------> .

2. Adriana: Awwwwww I got my period 2 days early!

3. Amy: Mom! I'm finally a woman!

Amy's Mom: That's great honey!
by The Friendly Snowman Outside November 23, 2011
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The devils way of preparing women for hell. He favors women as men are disgusting and deserve to rot. Lucifer wants female to be ready so they can get used to blood so they can have the pleasure to torture men.
"Hey have you gotten your period?"

"Yes i have! Can't wait to torture the male race and cause them pain and agony!"
by Thefrogtamer January 19, 2021
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A bloody horrific mess that descends from the female of the human species once a month, Side effects include extreme bitchiness , violent outbursts , occasional discovery of bloody pads whilst cleaning ones teeth in the morning, an unpleasant fish market smell rising from the females genitals and in extreme cases has led to the male of the species receiving a mouth full of blood during the act of oral sex.
All humans should stay a safe distance from the woman until the period has passed and she returns to her normal level of bitchiness.
My girlfriend was on her Period and forgot to tell me one night , I was rather drunk and so failed to notice the smell of a fish market coming from her lower regions. As a result I obtained a blood squirt to the mouth while attempting to perform oral sex on her which in turn caused me to yell at her , starting a chain reaction that resulted in a violent outburst rendering me in hospital for one week. The week following the period incident I returned home and she had returned to her normal health. Now I stay with my parents once a month as a precaution.
by destinationanywhere November 12, 2013
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Periods...it's what us girls have every month. The inside of the uterus tears itself apart and it's excrushiatingly painful. Blood will clot, you will get migraines, you will feel like vomiting, hormones will go crazy...and before I got my period I used to think it was just some stereotype or something to crave chocolate on your period...well, it's no stereotype. It's real. And this lasts for 5-8 days, depending on the person.
*period arrives*

Welp, looks like my uterus is practicing giving birth again.
by Snowy reflections April 14, 2014
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