A derogatory word used by the white lower classes within the british community, usually to describe anyone of a darker complection than themselves.

'Paki' is a word mostly used out of jealousy because someone of a pakistani origin may have a better life, house, car, job and more money.

John: "Hey Garry, check that asian guys new car out, its a F**kin Range Rover!".
Garry: "I know them dirty F**kin pakis takin r jobs and r benefits!"

by Des1 October 30, 2007
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a term for south asians in general, used in UK, USA and AUS
person 1: hey paki..!
person 2: what hoe..?
person 1: go home to pakiland.
person 2: bitch please, go suck a dick, or go eat smashpatatoes, stupid ugly brit.
by tamere July 24, 2006
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A highly concentrated source of chilli that should not be consumed. The odour is unique and identifiable from a distance.

Pakis are often used in biological warfare.

don’t use the tear gas, use the paki its more effective

this food tastes too paki (super spicy)
by someone_you_know March 12, 2008
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A group of people from the Indian subcontinent getting their own back on their former 'masters' by bleeding the system dry and generally having more money than the poor council estate trash.

There still ain't no trash like white trash...
Pakis have nicked all our jobs and benefits cos we're too fucking lazy to do any work ourselves and this pram isn't gonna push itself...we've got the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Europe dontcha know!
by smanolo April 3, 2009
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A racially offensive abbreviation of the word Pakistani. Also used for other brown and sometimes black people
Too many Pakis
by Khalad March 10, 2020
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a rude word for people from Pakistan. DONT USE IT UNLESS YOUR PAKISTANI. some people might use it on accident because they think it's a term for what you call Pakistanis in general like for people from Singapore, theyre called Singaporeans. BUT ITS NOT. It's like saying the n-word to a black person. like bruh its not that hard not to say it.
Me: what dat word you call people from Pakistan
Idiot: Paki, isn't it?
Me: shut yo mouth brother, that's a racist term, you mean Pakistani's
by theroadmaninmysnap June 3, 2020
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A stupid racist word used too often in England. people usually use it when refering to asian people comeing from places like pakistan, india and bangladesh. you may also hear people saying paki shop. the word is mostly used in Britain, and some people here also ingnorantly use it for anyone with abit of a tan who does not look completley black such as a spanish or evan mixed race black and white person. People use the word in different ways, but its defenitely derogative.
by anonymous March 30, 2005
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