Something idiotic straight, white 12-year-old boys say after giving each other a high five or touching in any way. Saying no homo apparently makes everything non gay. No matter what was said or done previously, speaking this word maintains one's heterosexuality.
"I'm moving to San Francisco with my boyfriend. We just finished having gay sex and I gave him a hardcore blowjob. Our house is going to be rainbow with pink furniture. We are going to wear colorful polo shirts every day with khaki shorts and Sperrys. We're going to a gay pride parade after this. And then we're going to makeout like the flamers we are. No homo."
by hotprincebodybae June 14, 2015
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Said to show that you aren't gay after saying something that sounded gay.
Hay man, pass the nuts. No homo
I cornered him in my room and nailed him with a board. No homo
by Anonymous October 21, 2003
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Describing a person or an action done with flaming gay qualities.
Wow Chuck nice pink shirt, your homoness will never cease to amaze me.
by SamK July 20, 2006
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The legendary phrase that clarifies your sexuality, and that you are not of the homosexual gender. Even after saying something very homosexual, a simple "no homo" is all that it takes to make everyone believe that you are not in fact a homosexual.
Person 1: Bro you lookin so fine, I could kiss you right now
Person 2: Then let us proceed in the "sexual interaction"
Person 1: Yes

*After the Sexual interaction*

Person 1: That felt great, I would do that again
Person 2: Same
Person 1: No homo btw
Person 2: Yeah, no homo

*and just like that, their sexuality was restored*
by Ya_Boi_142 March 1, 2019
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1. prefix: from the greek homos, it means "the same". From the Latin homo, it means "man"
2. A derogatory term for a gay man.
1. homogenous: the same. Homo erectus: standing man.
2. Todd wore K-Mart jeans today! What a homo!
by Militant Liberal May 3, 2005
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the phrase that, when uttered in conversation makes the speaker sound gayer than if he or she had not said it.
no homo but i was just jacking off to some gay porn.
by jacksonguitarist May 12, 2008
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When someone says something gay or sounds gay. No homo is used to tell everyone that person didn't mean it that way and they are in fact, straight.
by TirdyDesticles June 2, 2010
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