Total douchebag who is self-absorbed, but does not like himself very much because he has a small dick. Lives in a fantasy world of thinking everyone might like him, but people really don't. The ones that have gotten to know him, quickly discover that he is a jackass, and has MAJOR issues. Jealousy should be his middle name. Skinny ass white boy who needs his ass kicked on a day to day basis because he has a big mouth.
Guy #1: Dude, I finally got my license.

Guy #2:(Ignores dude 1)

Guy #1: Chance, did you hear me?

Guy #2: WTF man? I've been playing COD for 8 hours straight and you just screwed up my concentration.

I.E. see: small dick syndrome , what the hell is up with your hair?, dude, can't you see you are creeping her out?, get a clue NOBODY likes you, get a life, and get out of mine, freak does not cover it, and not in the good way either,boy who is confused about his sexuality
by YouSuckGetAClue February 3, 2010
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When the bowl is almost done and the chances of ash being sucked through are very high. The last hit in a bowl. Generally not even a good hit.
"Hey can I get a hit of that? Is that still going?" - Dude
"Yeah, dude, go for it. It's chanced, though." - Me
by Mud E York August 12, 2013
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A person who is normally a jerk to friends and likes to kick people in the shins.
OMG he is such a Chance!
by Jakefrmstfarm0 November 5, 2019
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Chance does not exist.

Every decision we make in life is strategic and catastrophic to our future.

Missed opportunities are unexcusable.
I would say we met by chance but then I'd just be talking nonsense and looking at a smaller, more naive picture.
by wnk January 4, 2009
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when something near impossible happens that wasn't even attempted.
the pro-line commercials.

whoa i just threw a football and it went in the basketball net
by S-money Mathias March 19, 2005
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the inner part of any makes the ass stink really bad.....its also the meaning of a giraffe with bad breath -chance!
wow that giraffe stinks like chance
by graham cmapbell January 18, 2008
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