A derogatory name for blacks, which only members of that race may use without getting the shit beaten out of them. The only curse would that is allowed to be heard on channels such as Comedy Central, as long as it's used by a brother
Look at the nigger o'er there, building ma house. *puts on white hood*. Lets get 'im Jeb.
by shooter August 4, 2005
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The aura of neing a nigger.

That black guy had a certain "niggerism" about him. He really was just a big 'ol nigger.
by Tizony June 22, 2007
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Derived from the latin word "niger" meaning black.

Made as a refernece to africans but not considered racist untill 1900's when it was used in a negative way.

The word can not reference to being an ignorant person despite colour because that is not what the word means or has been used for.
"My nigger servant will clean that up for you"
by 8039 January 15, 2008
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Nigger, literally means a dirty ignorant African American. Labeled as a racist term. Don't confuse a nigger for a black person. A nigger is a person who is ignorant(uneducated) and dirty. Niggers usually are the gangster type who act like everyone owes them something or the person who acts as if they were the best thing ever, "the shit."
That dumb-ass over their is a stupid nigger. But Rosco isn't a nigger, he is a black person.
by Born Honest March 29, 2011
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when you're niggin' in the noggin.

your level of nigger.
"yo, that elia has a niggerness rating of ten!"
by niggin in the noggin March 2, 2012
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Usually used to describe a black person in a derogatory manner. Between black people, it can be an endearing word that black people use among eachother. When a white or asian or other race calls a black person nigger, it is considered taboo and very racist.
Look at that nigger, he is so lazy!
by CutiefromKilleen December 18, 2007
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Person 1: Fuck you nigger!
Person 2: Let's not be racist, okay?
Person 1: Sorry.
by laserman413 September 25, 2016
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