Usually used to describe a black person in a derogatory manner. Between black people, it can be an endearing word that black people use among eachother. When a white or asian or other race calls a black person nigger, it is considered taboo and very racist.
Look at that nigger, he is so lazy!
by CutiefromKilleen December 18, 2007
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Person 1: Fuck you nigger!
Person 2: Let's not be racist, okay?
Person 1: Sorry.
by laserman413 September 25, 2016
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Niggering; the art of keeping niggers away.
Typically spammed in Sealand to assert dominance.
Crushing: Stop niggering!
Ekber & Rashed: *Spam niggering emoji and flood chat*
by neo-hanyist July 18, 2021
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An ignorant nigger. Lacking in knowledge and set in his ways. He will always be correct and speaks Ebonics. Out of its ghetto area he is equivalent to a retarded kid. Normally working at fast food and mad at life. Usually rude and always has a ignorant statement.
Man, that is the most niggerant black man ive ever talked to
by chi-man August 18, 2010
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someone who's racist against skin bleach or who's racist against using it.
Person 1: Did u see that nigger?

Person 2: Yeah that nigger who doesnt skin bleach his face?
by Party lyka rockstarrrr December 14, 2021
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Past tense of the word 'nigger (to steal)'
To have been stolen from. The stealing doesn't necessarily have to been done by a black person, white people have been known to 'nigger' "a lot" more.
"My car, just got 'niggered'"
by "Dudley" Do-Right May 25, 2007
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Behaving in a manner characteristic of niggers. In reference to a human, this typically involves making a shit-load of children and stealing anything that isn't nailed down. When used to describe an inanimate object, the word refers to poor functioning or being in an inoperative state - may be used interchangeably with FUBAR in this sense.
Dude, stop being so niggerous. Go buy your own Sprite.

My car's a niggerous piece of trash. The thing never starts.
by ReginaldVelJohnson January 13, 2008
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