The act of being a petite white girl being fucked in the vagina by a big black guy and fucked in the mouth by a sunburnt midget and their cum meeting in the middle of you
by Ejack_Ulator8008135 April 29, 2022
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3 Guys, a Black, a white, and an asian, all ejaculating on one female
me and my bois just got done neopolitan super glasing petricia
by memerino February 2, 2016
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Whether due to the fact that one with this condition inhabit territories north of the Mason Dixon, or simply is opinionated and cold blooded. One with a Neopolitan Complex prefers the order of a redhead, a blonde, and then a brunette when it comes to order of flavor. Those with a Neopolitan Complex will not deviate from this algorithm. So much to the fact that if the carpet does not match the drapes, they will immediately abstain and wait for the next flavor to come full circle.
Thor has such a Neopolitan Complex, he was with Ruby on Monday, Brooke on Tuesday, and when Brooke and Ruby came back together on Wednesday for a threesome, he passed and said “I’m good for now”.
by klosiN January 8, 2018
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Latanya: Ew, you like Neapolitan pussy.

DJ Quick: I love Neopolitan pussy !
Lashawn: excuse me

Ruben Studdard: I’m sorry
by Boté June 14, 2019
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when you see a black person an asian and a white person walking together
did you see that neopolitan over there?

ya it was fuckin crazy!
by john hams john ham September 16, 2009
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A mute, ice cream looking girl from RWBY with a pretty smile and umbrella. Takes pride in hurting others (is a sadist)
She's also a criminal, and has killed before.
Neopolitan could often be found stealing from banks or enjoying some neapolitan in her favorite ice cream shop. She's devoted to Roman and will stab anyone else with her very pointy umbrella.
by 4d chesser April 7, 2021
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When you are on your period and go to the toilet for a piss and a shit and then wipe. The colors of the Neopolitan lay on your tissue
Just went to the toilet and had a full-blown Neopolitan wipe
by peachyorange March 4, 2022
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