Shorthand term for Mandrax (pronounced "Mandrakes"), a line of highly addictive British pharmaceutical tablets no longer in legal production. They act as barbiturates (or "downers") and were prescribed as sleeping aids in the late 60s and early 70s. They are prevalent on the drug market in many African countries, as well as a few south Asian countries. As Mandrax was initially produced in pill form and meant to be taken orally, many abusers ground up the pills and smoke them with Dagga, because like most other illicit substances, the effects are greatly enhanced when snorted, smoked, consumed in conjunction with alcohol or injected into the bloodstream. Short-term side effects are not much worse than your average anti-depressant (cramps, headaches, emotional problems, etc.) but loss of muscle control (resulting in the user suddenly collapsing) and toxin-induced psychosis have also been found to result from Mandrax use.
"Wanna buy some mandies, Bob?" - Frank Zappa, "Flakes"
by Siegfried Zaga May 21, 2005
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A women named Mandi is typically very beautiful with an incredible body and nice eyes. They are known to be very loveable. Mandi's are envied by other women. On a side note...Also stubborn as hell.
1. Damnnn, Mandi's lookin' fine today, as usual.
2. I wish I was Mandi, shes so pretty and nice!
by bootymoo September 19, 2012
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Girl : she's sweet, honest, lovable, sincere and loyal. Mandi's are often outgoing and talk a lot, there seen with a smile at all times unless something is wrong then its sure to show. There good at hiding things and do anything to make people happy.

can be selfish at times but have people's best intentions in mind Often the name is short for Amanda.
by 6532478146878400487 December 24, 2010
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hey look it's mandie gawd she's way prettier than you
by Joshie December 18, 2005
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Slang for MDMA. "Mandy" is a powder form of the drug ecstacy. Is often preferred to ecstasy pills as MDMA is pure, whilst ecstasy pills are often adulterated. It is a popular drug amongst ravers and people who do not trust the purity of pills, and ecstasy in general has always been associated, often by the police and government, with the underground dance music scene.

Other slang names include "mud".
"Alrite mate, you got any mandy for the mash-up tonight? If not I'll get some beans (pills)"
by Boothy_BW February 22, 2007
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-A person who is over the top or being completely ridiculous
-Someone who has pushed you over the edge and become quite a problem
1."Wow she just stole my seat, what A Mandy":
2. Hey look at that girl wearing a teal puffy jacket what A Mandy
3. "Would you like to go on a date with me to Wendy's" Fuck no you are such A Mandy
by Shawn7418 December 24, 2014
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Mandie, isn't going to go for it.
by Beautiful_Disaster12 December 20, 2016
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