What we call the smallest drummer in our band! he is amazing and is super sweet. he is super sporty but is still short. he is awesome at everything he does! He also eats alot but maintains his skinny-ness

also the name of the best Christmas song ever!
have you seen the little drummer boy?

yeah he was in the kitchen, you better hurry before he inhales all the food!
by ninjadrewzers:) January 2, 2011
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A common haircut among young male teen-agers. This is when the hair grows over the eyes and restricts vision. The young person then has a barber cut only the part obstucting the view resulting in a helmet-like hair style that draws many rounds of laughter behind the person's back.
look at that stupid cracka, come out of the barber shop, got his little dutch boy haircut goin on, that boy abouta get jumped. (laughs)
by PTC's own Krazy Karl February 26, 2007
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A person who believes they can save the world thru raging parties and a D.I.Y empire
Dude I just got this zine from that Little Dready Boy.
by little dready boy January 22, 2011
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while having sex with a female analy our vaginally u pull out right when ur about to bust then u pull ur dick up at an angle let it go as u nut smacking her in the back while singing the little drummer boy
little drummer boy
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Hey there, where's your little bad boy. I want to see him and give him a kiss
by Kapre't Tikbalang August 6, 2017
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