An act that takes place in many situations. The two people can have feelings for each other, they may have only just met, or it can be for a dare at a party.
John: I dare you to kiss Kylie
Eric: Okay *kisses kylie*
*John watches Eric kissing kylie to make sure the dare is carried out*
by Armoured Bear February 27, 2008
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Keep It Simple, Stupid
What you say when you are in a mediocre restaurant, and the person you are with wants to order something very complicated. The theory is that while the restaurant probably does pretty well with simple things, if you try to go beyond their range (even if the entree is on the menu, and looks appealing), you will realize that you're not at the Ritz-- you're at the 99.
person1: So, what are you going to order?
person2: I think I'll have the penne pasta with the white wine sauce, roasted cherry tomatos, asparagus, and broccoli. And for dessert, creme brulee. That sounds good, doesn't it? What are you having?
person1: A burger with fries. KISS.
by bandcampgirl183 October 4, 2005
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One of the most terrible bands to ever walk the face of this earth. Somehow, they are "worshipped" by millions. They are not that great, and I would rather be "Hit" in the face than listen to one of their so-called "hits".
Gene Simmons of KISS is one ugly bastard with a 7-foot tongue.
by NKU Student March 29, 2005
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The starting line....

somewhere men can start slowly working there way to the pants...
Robert kissed me on the lips then the chest thn my stomach then....

(well you get the picture)
by *dreamer* May 22, 2005
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An amazing band, with hitz like "hard luck woman" and a song i love... "forever"
by melissa November 6, 2002
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The most fucken awesome band in history.
Kiss are so fucken cool i bet steve touches himself thinking about them sometimes
by Dan March 16, 2004
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the exchange of plastic wrapped rocks (crack) by kissing or mouth to mouth transfer
after kissing with the crackhead rob realized he didnt need it that bad.
by Welge March 26, 2007
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