Enclosing ones self in a confined, small area whilst smoking a joint. Similar to hotboxing, but generally is considered to be more middle class act. It also normally involves a small temporary structure such as a green house or tent.
Oi mate, wanna go kettle-ing tonight?

Yeah bruv.
by Colin the pug March 3, 2014
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when you go for a poo and you have the worst ring sting known to man!
by ADEVANS90 March 18, 2011
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1: Complex, being both sweet and salty
It’s a very kettle cornian relationship, it is abusive but loving.
by Kettle cornian May 8, 2018
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(guy looking at a cheat code) whered i put that code???

by Forrest Coleman July 23, 2006
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A beacon of spectacular brilliance, inspiring love and hope, in an otherwise seemingly cold and dark world. Has the ability to illuminate your perspective and enhance your imagination.
What a gloriously wonderful kettle head!
by Tf February 11, 2014
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when a guy dips his nuts into a hoes vagina; a vaginal tea bagging
"The bitches ass was to small for the two-wheeled dump truck, so I kettle cooked that mark ass ardvark"
by RIZYZYZYZ Y May 10, 2005
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The act of tea bagging a girl/guy with poprocks in their mouth. This abides to the rules of kettle corn, due to the sweet and salty combo as well as the popping.
Have you ever experienced kettle corn? It's pretty extreme cause some times the popping hurts, but it hurts so good.
by Life changer April 11, 2010
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