To keep watch, or lookout, ready to report. Often while concealed.
You keep dog while I break in.
by HHamishh June 22, 2017
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Also used as its acronym kit, keep it together is a self motiviational phrase to use when things are getting chaotic and you are starting to freak. It is meant to be said repeatedly and very quickly, almost as one word.
"Keep it together, keepittogether, keepittogether...."
by Seanie G August 12, 2007
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To keep tabs on someone is to make a conscience effort to know what that person is doing. Often, the person does not know that you are keeping tabs on them. Typically it isn't as drastic as stalking the person, but it could be.
I always keep tabs on my EXes via Facebook to see what they're up to.
by macalish July 30, 2008
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Continue to do what you've always done.
You just have to keep on, keepin' on until you've acheived your goal.
by Okie Babe August 3, 2006
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Another way of telling some one to look out, "keep sketch" is a phrase popular in the East Coast of Ireland.
"Keep sketch for the cops while I skull tha' hippy with me can of crown"
by Dan Josuttno December 21, 2004
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Aiden: Yo dude I'm going now aight?

Jake: Yeah man. Keep tight.
by Prestorn December 1, 2016
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