To hit someone so hard with a punch that they fall on the ground.
I'm gonna deck that guy who hooked up with my girlfriend in the fucking face.
by Grant E yooo November 2, 2009
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Code for, "I'm a pretentious dickhead,but I found a new way to get laid with this new hipster trend"!
Hey , your converse are so deck.We should really hangout and talk about some deck stuff!
by keepingitreallyreal September 2, 2011
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When smoking J's, on deck is that who is ready to spark the next one. He/she does this by placing the J that will be smoked on top of their ear.
Alright, I could smoke another one, who's on deck?

Look at you, always on deck!

What's that shit on your ear? Oh, you're on deck.
by Friend of the night August 18, 2007
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To deck is too: Take your skateboard and smash it against someone's face. To get decked: Too get smacked by a skateboard. Most likely to knock you the fuck out.
If you don't leave your gonna get decked!


*Decks immature bitch*

DECKED! I told you whore.
by TylerCarterObsession<# July 20, 2011
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1. Adj. An alternate pronunciation for the word "dick", commonly used by poservalley girls who use stupid-ass lisps to make men feel as if they are less intelligent than they really are in a futile attempt to impress them.
2. Adj. How queens say dick.
Like o-my-gad my ex-boyfriend is such a deck!
by Victah Hugo July 28, 2008
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Adjective- To describe someone or something's awesomality. It may also be used as a term of endearment.
Why, thank you Fiona. You are deck for saying that.
by PurpleHands May 23, 2011
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To punch someone lights out, hurt them or to defeat them or to warn someone to say duck!
Deck I said it 😏! Your mother jokes? Your ugly jokes? Your fat jokes? Your a hoe jokes? Your a retard jokes? Come on surprise me 😬😃👊
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd October 10, 2019
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