Yolo Holo: You Only Live Once Empty-Headed (A** Holes) Drinking Folks -- Men and Women, Boys and Girls.

Yolo Hohlo: Same as above except for the fact that "Hohlo" comes from the German word "hohl" which can mean simply, "empty", but is also used to mean "empty-headed, unconsidered, stupid"
Like the fascist-light buds/peeps at places like soccer games, frat parties, Oktoberfests, Spring Break Sauffesten, Ballermann, Rammstein.
-- That new Swiss Boy-Band Family "Stubete Gäng" makes great music for the Helvetic Yolo Holos -- (Yolo Holo -- Yolo Hohlo (German Variant) )
-- Spring Break in Cancun -- the Hajj for rich Yolo Holos.
by Pen-Dragon September 10, 2023
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A girl who hangs out at hobby lobby in Chattanooga, and will blow anyone with a nice car or a truck as well as go home with you for the night.
Damn dude she's leaving with a different guy ? It was someone different yesterday. She's a holo hoe.
by gotemm06 December 23, 2016
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