literal goals af..
best sever in the world
coke addict friends
“what’s hogwarts server!” oh that’s the best shit in the world “oh it look so cheerfulnah dude, this shit is amazing
by titsuckysmom September 6, 2021
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The only place Harry really ever had friends. A school for magical people just like him. A place where all the teachers care about SOMEONE, even though they may not show it. Somewhere that lives get risked and lives get saved at the same time. Somehow, everyone fits in one or more ways. Where many people started the path to becoming famous, and others infamous. How Harry Potter became the wizard we all know (but maybe not love) In shorter words, home.
At the Quidditch World Cup
Harry: I can't wait to go to Hogwarts next week!

Hermione: Harry, we go to Hogwarts in three weeks...
by purplepeephole_eater April 16, 2023
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When your mouth fucking someone and put on glasses. Then say to the chamber of secrets, and you shove your dick in their ear
Have you ever been to Hogwarts.
by Mr. Webley February 25, 2021
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The UK school of wizardry in the Harry Potter universe. You start at ten years of age and you officially graduate when your 17. You learn how to fight, potion brewing, and most importantly, How to kill! Very handy knowledge when the most feared wizard of them all is trying to kill you.
by Brainyact September 23, 2020
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Defend yourself from a cyberbully by eating cocoa
The billionaire hosted a social media show to trigger the former Legendary employee into Hogwarting all over it. Instead the Hogwart used his mania to find a cure for his mania and then shared it on Urban Dictionary, much like a kiss with a fist. Small doses of cocoa / dark chocolate without milk (i.e _no calcium) as a mood stabilizer, helping to face any troubles that you're _not actually 'fine' about in afterthought.
by nARkwS January 27, 2019
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The billionaire hosted a social media show to trigger the former Legendary employee into Hogwarting all over it. Instead the Hogwart used his mania to find a cure for his mania and then shared it on Urban Dictionary, much like a kiss with a fist. Small doses of cocoa / dark chocolate without milk (i.e _no calcium) as a mood stabilizer, helping to face any troubles that you're _not actually 'fine' about in afterthought. nARkwS. x
by nARkwS January 27, 2019
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The billionaire hosted a social media show to trigger the former Legendary employee into Hogwarting all over it. Instead the Hogwart used his mania to find a cure for his mania and then shared it on Urban Dictionary, much like a kiss with a fist. Small doses of cocoa / dark chocolate without milk (i.e _no calcium) as a mood stabilizer, helping to face any troubles that you're _not actually 'fine' about in afterthought. nARkwS. x
by nARkwS January 27, 2019
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