when a guy is behind a girl and sticks his dick in her ass, then flails his arms around, making it look (from the front) that the girl has four pairs of arms, like many Hindu deities.
Timmy gave Jane an ass hindu in a motel room. When the maid walked in, it startled her, because it looked like a naked girl with four arms.
by Stan Kyle Kenny Cartman January 27, 2011
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A term coined by Sagarika Ghosh, Indian TV journalist. Right wing Hindus on internet. Most visible as twitter handle. Such users are characterized by their hate for liberals, secular Hindus, Muslims and state of Pakistan. They are fluent in the use of vituperative, abuses, etc. They often worship their mentor Subramaniam Swamy, an Indian law maker whose daughter ran away with a Muslim and in turn spews venom against Muslims.
various twitter handles internet hindu
by Sita Maiyyaa October 4, 2012
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When you're super high and you want spicy food.
I smoked a log and I started craving some samosas. I was having a hindu blaze.
by Loothoarder53 February 23, 2017
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lewd sex service performed on the outskirts of London
- Today I'll have a chocolate hindu.
- Will it be ok if our new Asian employee does it?
- Sure, but it's important that I don't get infected.
- No worries, all sex workers are tested on an ongoing basis
by DiastemaAndrzeja May 21, 2021
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The synthetic congruence (syntheticity) between Hinduism (synthetic sensualism) and Protestantism (synthetic materialism) that gives rise to the esoteric paradigm of Emergence.

Hindu-Semitism (sense-form) is an iterative identity over Indo-Aryanism (aesthetic-will).
by sandrashine September 9, 2018
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A combination of the Hindu Dot, the Arabian Goggles, and the Gonzo Nose. Essentially, one places their crap-laden asshole on the forehead of the sexual partner to produce a dot reminiscent of the dot's many Hindi's wear. In the process, one places the testicles over the eyes of the partner, and for good measure, places the penis over the nose so as to represent the elongated nose of Gonzo the muppet.
Tyler really wanted to show his girlfriend who was boss, so he gave her the Hindu Dot with the Arabian Goggles, and for good measure he slapped on the Gonzo Nose - now that's a Shitty Hindu!
by xer0negative November 30, 2007
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A hindu princess is a drink. Go into a 7/11 and buy a medium coke slurpee but only fill it half way, the other half you will fill with tequila. Mix and enjoy!!
Kim: "Let's fuckin' rage tonite"

Katie: "Yea I just hit up 7/11 for some hindu princess shit we'll get lit and check out Tony's party."
by Kim S. June 12, 2008
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