A word normally used to insult an old lady.
Sentence: "That hag kicked me out of her house."
by Fookin June 24, 2017
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An unsightly women. Can also be referred to as a "haggis"
by Anonymous May 2, 2003
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An older, Un - attractive woman who is psychotic and believes she is "Top of the line" demanding of everyone that she gets her way, a distinct wrinkly face; prominent wrinkles around her mouth- droopy boobs; ABSOLUTELY NO ASS. Her voice is hagard and sounds like a dying pterodactyl. She's disturbingly hideous.
Did you see that Hag Kim Leonard?! Wow. WTF?
by ACAEL August 6, 2015
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A venerial disease acquired by someone that is promiscuous and likes to engage in intercourse with just about anyone and everyone. Usually meaning someone having Herpes, Aids, Gonorrhea (aka "the clap 👏 ") and Syphylis all together.
"That guy/girl will sleep with just about anyone. He/she probably has a bad case of HAGS.
by Werd Poleece January 2, 2017
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A hag is a term derived from Sanskrit which mean to bully someone smaller than you
Man you know this guy named anshul he always hags
by FBI July 13, 2019
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Did you see the new zombie movie? Dude, it was hag as shit!
by Drew Greenly March 4, 2007
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(adj) The opposite of Gah. Bogus, heinous, or downright catastrophic.
That playoff football game was so HAG!

That party got busted up...HAG!
by Brian of Gah August 9, 2008
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