1 v. To search for a term or terms using the Google search engine.
2 n. A highly-used search engine that is considered the most effective on the internet by many
3 n. The number 1, followed by 100 zeros.
I googled for a serial to Windows XP, but I found a German porn site instead.

Google owns Yahoo's ass.

I have been to that fucking site a google times.
by BTTF Man January 24, 2004
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the act of searching something on the internet, mainly on google
I had to do a report on Spain, so I went to google it and found a lot of information.
by PBnJ October 15, 2004
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alongside with YouTube, Hotmail and Wikipedia, one of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The white one.
Revelation 6:1 - 6:2 - "...When the Lamb had opened the first of the seven seals, I heard the first of the four beasts say with a thundering voice, Come and SEARCH. And I beheld, and lo a white horse; and he that sat on him had a KEYBOARD: and there was given unto him a MOUSE, and he departed as conqueror and to conquest ALL OF THE INTERNET."

yes, i did google that
by VENOXX May 24, 2009
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it knows who you are
it knows where you live
it knows were you work
it even knows who your mum is

they might aswell change its name to skynet
google an essential tool for stalkers
by dfniton101 July 3, 2010
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The act of looking up something on Google.
"How did you find that out?"

"I googled that shit."
by xCheyenneMarie<3 July 9, 2012
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1. Google is a search engine along with, Yahoo, Bling, ext.
"What is the answer?" "I don't know, ask Google."
by 📊 March 12, 2019
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The Google, more commony known as the internet, is a series of tubes.
"I'll google it."
"Google will tell me."
"Google solves everything."
"What is The Google?"
by opposingAspirer July 25, 2009
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