Gerard Way is lead singer for the American rock band My Chemical Romance.
It is possible to have 4 opinions of him:
1. He is perfect, super talented, inspirational, the messiah, a hero, a genius, a god to whom we should all bow down and worship;
2. He is an annoying whiny emo douchebag queer you want to beat around the head with an iron bar;
3. He is the hottest guy ever you desperately want to fuck and/or orally pleasure;
4. He is some guy from some band you've vaguely heard of, hence why you are looking him up on Urban Dictionary in the first place.
1. "My Chemical Romance saved my life! Gerard Way is my hero!"
2. "Is murder always wrong?"
3. "Lyk zomg Gerard Way iz lyk so totally shmexiiiii!!!"
4. "Oh he's in a band? I knew I'd heard of him on MTV or something."
by liastd January 14, 2007
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The lead singer of the band My Chemical Romance. He is not handsome, or even a particularely good singer. But he appears to be a reasonably intelligent and open minded person, who writes exciting and unique song lyrics. Formerly an alcoholic, Gerard has now been sober for three years. He is a man who i have a lot of respect for.
"Everybody back the fuck up! I am dead serious, I am not that pretty!" - Gerard Way.
by the man on the moon August 23, 2007
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As all of you know, Gerard is the singer of a band named My Chemical Romance. Some of you like him, \others don`t. Some of you find him hot, others not. Every person has it`s own oppinion, so stop telling each other to shut up. And also, he can be gay and HOT and the same time.
Teen girl: Oh, Gerard Way is so hot!
Some other person: Oh, shut up! He`s gay, how can he be hot?
by Marianna1995 August 1, 2009
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Gerard Way = amazing lead singer for band My Chemical Romance. He was born on April 9, and is 28 years old. He is a bi-sexual. He is also an artist, and almost did a show for Cartoon Network, but was rejected. He is the brother of Mikey Way from My Chemical Romance.
-Gerard Way, should be president
by Lexi Geibel June 7, 2005
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lead singer of My Chemical Romance
has a mental little brother who still believes in unicorns at the age of 38
hot as fuck
sass queen
Frank Iero's boyfriend
saves millions of lives just by existing

yes I'm a gay emo
"what starts in G and ends is ay?"
by SleeplessQueenie May 19, 2019
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Lead singer of emo band My Chemical Romance. Brother of bassist of My Chemical Romance called Mikey Way. Is totally gay yet has a wife and a child. Used to date Frank Iero and most likely is still in a secret relationship with him even though it is not really a secret anymore because everyone knows that they were an item. Is the gayest straight man ever to exist. Really sassy and is lethal if the sassiness is used on a person. Lives on Sassy Island alongside his secret lover Frank Iero. Is a vampire because he looks the same now from when he was 16 yeas-old. Makes every girl look like a short, fat, bald man.
I'm as straight as Gerard Way. (This means you are very gay)
by Frank Anthony Iero Junior June 27, 2017
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Lead singer of MCR <3

yepp, thats as plain as it gets :P
1. girl 1: gerard way

girl 2: uugh!!
(this actually happened :P )
by MCRLOVER100 March 10, 2011
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