Geet is an sweet, kind person. She is very artistic and loves music. If you meet a person named Geet keep them forever because they are so cool and amazing.
Keep Geet she is the best thing that will happen to you!
by Rurifirnr March 2, 2021
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to have sex, slang from london/england
Do you want to geet ;)
by lmaobutters November 30, 2021
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Noun (pronounced with a j)
To be a complete and utter tool.
You spilled my cuppa on the carpet you geet.
by Lalditon July 27, 2020
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Geet is the plural of goat. This word can also be used as an offensive name meaning that person you call a geet is extremely ugly.
Look at all the geet out there!

You are such an ugly geet!
Why do I have to look like a geet?!
by Sarah.volleyball0215 December 4, 2019
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cool and/or radical
teen 1 "yo man that consert was totes geet"
teen 2 " yeah man it was totes geet"
by Extraturtle February 10, 2020
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The true meaning of ‘Geet’ cannot be described with just a few words. Geet name is your destiny, heart’s desire, and personality. Geet is a name that implies a pioneering spirit. Natural born leader, highly focused, and achievement oriented. Enduring hardship to try out new things come naturally to Geet.
Geet is a name.
by Baap9879 July 12, 2022
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GEET- the correct plural of a goat 🐐.
Look at all the geet!!
by Tyler_Miller_cinco April 1, 2019
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