The preferred method of disposal for compact discs (cd's) that are either no longer playable or are unwanted, possibly due to the purchase of mp3 player, where one drives down the highway and chucks them like a "frisbee" out the window.
"Dude, since I just got my new ipod I got like 150 road frisbees! Let's go!"

The introduction of biodegradeable cd's would greatly reduce the environmental impact of the Road Frisbee Cup.
by leeleez0115 September 5, 2011
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The act of turning a frisbee upside down, filling it with beer, pulling down down your pants as to expose the anus, and squatting down on said frisbee.

This substitute to buttchugging or boofing, is commonly employed by nerds on ultimate frisbee teams around the country.

This trend originated at Swarthmore college.
Normal guy 1: hey bro, why was the ultimate frisbee team making so much noise last night.

Normal guy 2: I don't know, I think they were hammered from doing one to many frisbee sits.

Normal guy 1: frisbee sits?

Normal guy 2: yeah, it's like a cooler version of butt chugging that frisbee guys do. Like ordering a daquiri at a microbrewery.
by Daquiris for the boys January 18, 2014
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Large round nipples the similar in size to the typical frisbee.

Can be a particularly potent insult against douchebag guys.
"Chris Durnien has enormous frisbee nipples that complement his disturbingly voluptuous man-tits."
by Marty Crothers April 12, 2008
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Sometimes known as simply Ultimate is a game played usually with friends in a pick up game, but sometimes in organized league play in a tournament and such. All you need to play is some friends and a disc that weighs 175 grams. Unlike most definitions for this on this website, it's harder then it looks, and it takes much more athleticism then you think to play. It takes good endurance and cardio, because the game is almost entirely running, and throwing a good Frisbee to someone who's cutting and hitting them in stride when it's windy is no easy task. One of the best parts is that it's usually played for fun, with a score being fun to fun.
Bro: Hey dude, wanna go play some Ultimate Frisbee?
Other Bro: Hell yeah dude, I'll be there.
Bro: Sweet bro, it'll be numb.
by jj326314 December 21, 2010
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a traditionally-hippie sport, usually played on college campuses or in public parks, where mostly white people run around and call for the frisbee (aka disc, aka bee) to try and score in an area similar to a football endzone
Hey, some friends of mine are going out to the monument fields and playing a little disc. Want to join them in a game of ultimate frisbee?
by benjamminspears January 27, 2009
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A game popularly played in Falmouth and Woods Hole, Massachusetts by high school kids. The origins of Car Frisbee can be traced back to Native Americans. One particular event tells of the Wampanoag tribe, of Mashpee forcing English pilgrims to play for their lives.

Angry locals as well as tourists who have become targets of car Frisbee players have been known to react violently. Similarly to a "road rage" reaction.

Instructions: Play Frisbee with friends near a crowded road and hit car with your disc "accidentally".

Point System: 5 points for the act itself

2 points for in-state license plates

5 points for out-of-state plates

15 points if disc is thrown while standing on "The Wall"

10 points for Texas plates

30 points for police car

25 points for broken window (includes cracked)

20 points for dent or scratch visible from 30 feet (10 meters)

7 points if driver is a student-driver

-5 points if car is a commercial vehicle

-5 points if car is parked

-10 points if car is parked with no one inside
I played Car Frisbee and got a mad high score, but the dude got out and hit me with a bat.
by wasonceawallrat January 28, 2010
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A game played in a barnyard or a cow pasture, wherein participants hurl dessicated cow pies. The goal can be to attain the greatest distance, or to hit a specified target.

Compare with barnyard golf.
Linda Mae always beats Homer Bob when they play barnyard Frisbee.
by Bumkicker Slade April 24, 2005
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