1) When one worships cacti because they feel it has magical powers or is to be consider inhabited by a spirit.

2) When one has a sexual desire on an abnormal degree with one or more cacti
1) Jacob has begun to to chant satanic chants towards his cactus due to his cacti fetish

2) Bob's cacti fetish led him to the hospital because of internal bleeding within his intestines, caused by an attempt to gain pleasure from a cactus by inserting it in his anus.
by Dimitri Bogenscar October 28, 2015
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The dinosaur fetish is a fetish when one is sexually attracted to dinosaurs. Normally people will get one of those inflatable T-rex costumes and use a strap on dildo and ram it up someone's asshole. Sometimes people will put stones around the rim of an asshole holding it together with Elmer's glue.
Richard has an extreme dinosaur fetish, he had John ram a strap on up his ass while in a dino costume.
by Doctor. D, Dinosaur December 11, 2020
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A term applied to woke beta males in Seattle who have a strong sexual preference for persons experiencing homelessness. Typically advocating to keep homeless encampments in their neighborhood and will fight any type of encampment removal as it would remove their sexual partners from their local area. They will distribute 2-person tents during mutual aid activities to facilitate future intercourse. When confronted about their fetish, they will claim their accuser lacks compassion, is privileged and ask "where will they go". It can also be used in reference to females who prefer men who are experiencing homelessness as well.
Tell Sean to quiet down in her tent, we all know he has the Seattle fetish, but there's a rec soccer game I'm trying to watch.
by justsayintherain October 3, 2021
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When preforming in the bed room being called " daddy" by your mate
* smacks ass* " whats my name?" Her "DADDY" she is feeding his "DADDY FETISH"
by Darienne.Johnson16 January 15, 2017
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The gender-equivalent of a Daddy fetish. A fetish in which one (usually a male) is sexually aroused by being taken care of by a motherly figure. This does not mean he is attracted to his biological mother, or any actual family members.
"I heard George has a Mommy fetish... What a creep."
by sorry_sputnik July 27, 2017
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When a person finds eyebrows the sexiest thing on the planet, they like the way them brows look 😳😳😳 usually in a sexual way
Talisha: holy shit sista your brows are sexy asf!

Tyrone: you got a eyebrow fetish or something?

Talisha: yeah, ;)

Tyrone: same ;)
by DragonChickens#3205 August 21, 2020
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Someone with this fetish might enjoy knowing what type of panties a girl wears even licking their dirty gussets clean. They may have worn panties including under their normal clothes to work but prefer to sniff, lick or jerk into them.
Emma Watson had put her gym bag down only for a few minutes, she had put in a long session and needed a drink, it wasn't until she got home that she realised her sweaty socks, panties and sports bra were missing. Tommy has a panty fetish and he's at home living the dream.
by PantsuGoblin December 19, 2021
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