Fucked up beyond all recoginition
After 15 accidents in 4 miles, the driving instructor said to the student, I don't know which is more FUBAR, you or the car.
by Sam the Sham August 1, 2006
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FUBARING is the process or continued result of fucking up beyond all recognition something that the majority of people find to be fine the way it is. Hence if something is not broke don't try to fix it.

FUBARING can also come from excessive partying or the lack of doing anything constructive.
Facebook is continually fubaring it's page layout to the chagrin of it's members who would rather it stay the way it was originally.

The college students who continually went out every night drinking and carousing were fubaring their grades by not showing any concern for passing.
by soylentgreenchips February 9, 2010
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Short form of: Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

Messed up or wrecked object.

Messed up or wrecked person.
Did you see that accident? That car was totally fubar'd

Man I was drunk last night, I was so fubar'd I passed out in the driveway.
by psychodad June 2, 2009
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F.U.B.A.R meaning F*cked up beyond all recognition is an acronym made popular by a movie called,"Tango & Cash" staring Sylvester Stallone, Kurt Russell,and Teri Hatcher.
girl 1~i have an exam in 3 different subjects on the same day
girl 2~thats totally fubar
by VvDarkRaynevV November 21, 2011
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it ushually stands for "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition"
and can be used in both actually situations or online and such.
"Tim picked a fight with some huge black guy when he was drunk last night. now hes in the hospital totally fubar."

"my car is F.U.B.A.R. after teh crash"
by andre el grande August 27, 2006
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