Your dating a girl Ciara Duffy and this is how much you love her

- RObby James Colson
by Robert James Colson June 5, 2011
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V. To slap a person in the face with your penis, usually after breaking their knees with an inflatable squeaky baseball bat.
"That hooker was going to call the cops on me after i gave her a mr. duffy last night, so i had to kill her GTA style.
by Stevenson McShitts May 29, 2008
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Acting like a radical libtard about everything, and arguing with feelings, not facts. The more "feelings" you have in your debate instead of facts, the bigger of a Joey Duffy that you are.
Did you see those Joey Duffy's out there blocking the highway for trans rights? They became speedbumps very quickly!!!

Man, I saw a couple of Joey Duffy's last night.... all dressed in drag screaming about not getting to pee with the girls on the playground!
by Durtyndn December 14, 2019
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duffys corner is located in the suburb of maroubra in sydneys east. duffys has a notorious reputation for being patrolled by fucken sick cunts that live in the housing commission nearby that smoke and shit and cause shit that usually results in an outcry by locals and eshay gangs like the bra boys & matto boys patrol the area aswell. its also known as having close proximity to maroubra beach, jail and lapa.
eshay 1: oi cuz let's go to duffy's corner and smoke nd shit bra its the best fucken place and start trashing cars braa
eshay 2: ye bruva thats sounds fuckin maddd we'll be on the news aye
by thaville2036 July 10, 2017
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A very ugly child who is a pussy and has no personatlity
omg jim you are being such a katie duffy not humping off the diving board bitch
by Xnetha is a banana March 17, 2019
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A slut who sucks ass. Usually turns out lesbian. Has no friends. Not usually liked my popular people.
That Caitlin Duffy twat has no friends
by Cb8762 March 30, 2017
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When someone was present for an awesome event but missed seeing it, who later, after hearing the story, retells the story to others as if they actually saw said event.
I decided to Pull a Duffy when I missed seeing the lesbians making out at IHOP at the table behind me.
by Sante Fe February 6, 2011
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