When a person with downs syndrome shits their pants and then you eat their ass
I went into the bathroom the other day and jimmy was giving timmy a downie brownie!
by Crabsbane March 8, 2019
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Enemy of Urbandictionary.com - individual who is extremely antagonistic towards users of the site.
-"Grant Downie has no boby"
-"Shut up. At least I don't have 200 definitions on urbandictionary.com"
-"Easy G, it was only a metaphor intended for mutual humour aka a joke"
by brendan September 7, 2004
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The downie derby is a derby between two awful football teams who have a rivalry against each other to win that specific game.
Did you see the downie derby the other day between Sunderland and Bolton.It ended in a 3-3 draw.
by Warrior speacilist November 17, 2017
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A guy with more spunk round his mouth and arsehole than in his soul.
That gay guy's covered in jizz. What a Chris Downie!
by wankbagging October 24, 2017
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1. Noun, Pronoun: A derogatory term used to desribe a bearer of bad news.

2. Noun: A messenger bringing unwated or undesirable information.

Similar in usage to 'Gloomy Gus'
Often misspelled with a 'c' replacing the 'k', however the 'Mark' is meant in a literal nature (as in mark your calendar), as opposed to 'Marc', which is defined as a personal noun.
Benzin is a real Mark Downie for informing us we must wait until Q1 2013.
by xBENZINx June 19, 2010
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Down^y Ball


Pronunciation: Dou-nee Bawl

When a person shits in a tube sock then ties the top end in a knot and tosses it in the washing machine with other clothes that need to be washed.

Most common occurrence: Juvenile Detention Centers
"Awww man it was terrible, I went into the laundry room to put in some bleach after the washer was full and someone must have thrown a Downy ball in the washing machine because the whole thing was full of shit water."

NOTE: Really horrible if the fill cycle on the machine is set for hot water.
by Mr. Eldrik Deshire January 26, 2007
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