A direct deposit is made when raw doggin it with a chick and you don't pull out.
Douchecunt #1: Hey man, did you wrap it up with that chick?
Douchecunt #2: Nah man, I had to raw dog it.
Douchecunt #1: Ahhh.. sick.
Douchecunt #2: AND I gave her a direct deposit!
Douchecunt #1: She'll be seeing you in 9 months.
by JBento June 10, 2009
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A boy band in this year's (2010) X-Factor, put together by Simon Cowell. It consists of Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan. Each of them have their own dedicated fan groups who often argue about which band member is the best. Hugely popular with teenage girls across Britain, they are like the second-coming of JLS but generally better looking and younger.

An infaturation with this band is termed 'One Direction Infection'.
Leila: Who are you voting for tthis Saturday on X-Factor?

Francesca: One Direction of course! ZOMG I love Liam Payne sooo much!

Leila: no, Harry Styles is definitely the best.

*random third girl*: no way, Zayn Malik is the one for me *swoons*.
by Cuppa Tea? October 22, 2010
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A boy band that has taken over the the minds of stupid teenage girls that have squealing problems.

Me:Come on,they aren't that great.

Fangirl:YOU SHALL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!

Me:I'm behind a computer screen....You can't kill me.
by nonfangirlLawl December 24, 2012
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A boy band which came in third on the X Factor in 2010, their fanbase consists of teen or pre-teen girls who care little about the music itself and merely wish to ogle the five boys as much as possible. These fans call themselves Directioners, not to be confused with Directionaters, and have become extremely possessive of the five boys in the band, despite the fact that these five people will never know of their existence. All of these fangirls will post variations of the definition of this boyband, most of which will include they words "hot" or "sexy", and won't really mention any music at all.
Directioner: I love One Direction, they are soooo hot! And sexy!

Sensible Person: What do their looks have to do with their music?...

Directioner: Does it matter? *stares at picture of boyband longingly* They are soooo hot! Their music is AWESOME! And they are sexy!

Sensible Person:Personally, i hate them.

Directioner: How dare you insult my future husband(s)! Their music is AWESOME and they are SO HOT!

Sensible Person: *realizes he/she is talking to a Directioner who will not see reason, presses on anyways* If they're so awesome, why don't they have any BOY fans?

Directioner: ...The're still hot.

Sensible Person: *sighs, walks away, and listens to iPod (Panic! at the Disco music) to wipe his/her mind of this awful discussion with crazed fangirl*
by EmShem May 6, 2012
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A band of closet(?) homosexual teens which was formed after they all met at an orgy and found out they could all moan in harmony when they simultaneously came in each other.

They are the reason the Apocalypse will be coming a few millenia earlier, owing to the legions of infuriated, sexually frustrated teens and pre-pubescent girls that will raze the Earth once a sextape of the band jerktape each other off goes viral.

Also, probably the only 'band' to have lip-synced at the Olympics.
Guy : Dude ! All the guys in your class were caught on tape at some gay orgy in an abandoned Prius with Dirty Mike and the boys !

Me : Looks like they've been One Directioned
by Dee Kernubler August 16, 2012
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